IT is now imperative for PAG-ASA to update its Low Pressure Area (LPA) warnings in line to the degree which classes can be suspended, in order to prevent the recurring confusion between LGUs, schools, students and parents, San Juan City Representative JV EjercitoEstrada today said.
“If PAG-ASA uses methods that identify typhoon strength based on wind speed and rain volume, thereby classifying it as a Tropical Depression, maybe they could also come-up with methods that could identify LPAs based on rain volume and dark cloud coverage with degree such as Light, Moderate, Heavy and Semi-typhoon,” JV suggested, as Chairperson of the House Committee on Metro Manila Development.
The lawmaker said the weather station’s current LPA warnings are outdated and becoming problematic, considering that moderate amount of rains result to widespread flooding all over the Metro, and eventually causing students, parents, and workers to be stranded along the way.
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